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The topic of C-parts is often underestimated, but can have far-reaching effects on a company. As is so often the case, the procurement of goods with a low purchase value is also about the right strategy and the right supplier: This can optimise processes, reduce costs and increase productivity. It is therefore advisable to pay the necessary attention to this area and take targeted measures to realise its full potential.

Together we will find answers to the following questions:

  • Does C-parts management make sense in your company?
  • What are the requirements for C-parts management?
  • What type of system (scanner, RFID, etc.) makes sense and which provider is right for you?
  • How should you plan, design and implement such a system?

Together we determine your requirements and which systems are suitable for you. We then integrate the relevant suppliers into the process and have the systems customised and tailored to you, your production and your needs. We accompany this process until the system functions optimally.